The Totushek Family

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Rohling Baby gathers no moss

On April 22, 2007 I finally learned how to roll over. I had been working at it for a long time, but I never quite got the hang of it. Since I have learned I have been looking for opportunities to practice so that I can show off my new trick as often as possible. Here I am showing it off to cousin Amy and her friend at Great-Grandma's house. Mommy and daddy say that I have to learn how to roll back over because I don't like it on my stomach too much (it's true, I cry a lot on my tummy), but isn't that what they are there for? I mean, really, they don't have anything better to do that take care of me anyway.


Blogger Kristina said...

Way to go, K! I am very proud of you! Soon you'll be rolling all over the place and getting into all of your mom's stuff.

April 29, 2007 at 6:06 PM  

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